1) Make Sure You Go To Our Affiliate Link To Bluehost, You’ll Save Money!
If you click through our link you will save money. Normally it cost $6.95/month but with our Special Offer, it will be reduced to $4.95/month!
Now that you have Clicked Through Our Affiliate Link, it should have opened a separate window with a Bluehost screen that looks like this:
2) Register A Domain Name, This Is Your Website Name (.com)
Click on the “Sign Up Now” button as seen below:
Enter your Domain Name of choice as seen below:
If your Domain Name of choice is taken, you will see this:
If your Domain Name of choice is available you will see this:
We are almost done! Now to the Final Step!
3) Account Information & Web Hosting Package, Recommended!
Fill out your account information like the image below:
Web Hosting Package:
We recommend picking the Web Hosting Package that is $4.95/month, it will be $6.95/month if you didn’t click through our affiliate link. The only other thing we suggest is that you add on the “Domain Whois Privacy” which will keep your name private to public whois records.
The last thing left to do is enter in a form of payment and accept the terms and conditions. After you enter in that information, click on the “Next” button and then you’re done!