Finding a Good Host for Your Website could be a daunting task but don’t worry we have it all handled for you.

I’m sure you have heard of hosts like GoDaddy because they advertise highly on television and you might not even know of another host besides them. Now we don’t want to bash GoDaddy but we really haven’t had much success with them.Their servers seem to run pretty slow and the pricing is a bit sketchy.

However, they do have a good domain name reseller program that you should look into if that is something that intrigues you.

Do a Simple Google Search for Good Results!

In order to find a good host for your website you need to know of hosting companies so let’s do a simple google search and see what we can come up with. Let’s Google Search for “Website Hosting Companies” and see what that draws out. We suggest using Google Search because they are on top of their game when it comes to quality content. A terrible hosting company is not going to appear high in the search results.

However, on the very top their will usually be paid ads sitting above the free raw organic search results. These could also be good resources but it’s really set for whoever is willing to pay more to advertise their so be on alert. We suggest you look at the free results. That being said, here’s the screen shot for the free results for “Website Hosting Companies” below:

FInding a Good Host for Your Website

If you click on the image you will get the full screenshot.

Now you will notice that the majority of those first links are just websites suggesting you their top website hosting companies. Feel free to do the same google search and chose for yourself but we would like to recommend our two favorites.

Finding a Good Host for Your Website – Hosting with BlueHost

Even in the above Google Search you will notice BlueHost listed on the front page as well. We have been using BlueHost for over 10 years and have never had a problem. We actually have been seeing improvement over the past 10 years like offering unlimited bandwidth. If you want to get into the specifics of BlueHost and a step by step guide on how to create a website with Bluehost, please click here.

Finding a Good Host for Your Website – Hosting with HostGator

Like BlueHost, we haven’t had a single problem with HostGator and we have been using them more recently to host all of our projects. The website your own right now is actually through HostGator and our server load times have been phenomenal. HostGator offers the best prices and hosting plans on the market and an interesting side-note is you can also host “adult” content sites with them. Whether you have a normal website or adult website, HostGator is well recommended.  If you want a detailed step by step guide on how to create a website with HostGator, please click here.

It’s really your choice on what web hosting company you use and the one’s we recommend are because we have had years of good experience with them. Even though we highly suggest you use either BlueHost or HostGator, they are not the only hosting companies online. Their are thousands and you can find them and try them out if your willing to take the risk. Finding a Good Host for Your website can solve multiple problems before you even begin your journey and we are so thankful you read this article.