You need to keep track of your website right so you need to use a statistic program.

Well if you signed up with Bluehost (step by step guide), then you will have cPanel. cPanel will then have a statistic program called Awstats.

This program is fantastic at tracking your website’s statistics. The reason Awstats is so good at tracking your website stats is because it sits in the core of your website. It’s not a link or php code that you need to add in to the index and sometimes when a viewer visits your site, that code doesn’t load for them, thus not tracking them.

So with all this being said, let’s teach you exactly what Awstats is and how to use Awstats to track your statistics.

How to Use Awstats – Track Your Website Stats

Awstats is an excellent website statistical program that is offered with many hosting companies. You can also use Google Analytics along side with Awstats to compare statistics. There is no possible way the stat programs will be exact. It just doesn’t happen that way, We’d like to think statistics are perfect but every person visiting your website has a different set up and your stat program might not be capable of picking up on it.

That being said, Awstats is pretty close to being 100% accurate and you will want to take advantage of it.

Let’s get started, Open Awstats in cPanel:

Logs Awstats

Go to the Logs section of cPanel and Click on the icon we have circled above. Then you will be brought here:

Awstats View Domain

Click on “View” and that will bring you to the Awstats home screen.

Here is a screenshot of Awstats:

Awstats Screenshot

Please click on the image to make it larger

Your Website’s Monthly Statistic History

You can view your website statistics in a monthly view format which is very beneficial if your trying to compare month to month. It gives you information about your Unique Visitors, Numbers of Visits, Pages, Hits, and Bandwidth and puts it all in a very nice chart like you see below.

Monthly Stats

For this tutorial I blanked out all the statistics for January 2013, but on your website you will see stats. It’s good to have this information because you have a basis to keep track of how well your website is doing.

Daily Website Statistics

If you want a more precise statistic, you can go to the daily section which you can find if you scroll below the monthly section. They offer you a day by day analysis of the same stats offered above.

Let’s take a closer look right here:

Awstats Daily

Obviously we blurred out the stats because this is a tutorial but you will see stats on a daily level. This can help with showing you precise daily statistics.

What Else Does Awstats Have To Offer?

Days of the Week:

Let’s get completely simple here. There are 7 days out of the week.

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

Now that that’s clear, which I hope it always was clear, let’s explain how this can benefit you.

Say you have an online business and notice that tons of people are viewing your website on Saturdays but not really that much on Mondays. Since you have a bunch of traffic on Saturday, use that traffic to gain more traffic for the days you are slower online. What we mean by this is put up a sale for Monday’s and advertise it on your website on Saturday’s. Well, without a statistical tracker program, you would have no idea what days you get the most traffic.

This is what it looks like in Awstats:

Day Stats Awstats

Hours in the Day:

If you want to get extremely precise you can monitor your statistics by the hour. Most people won’t need to look at this statistic but it’s great to have further expanding your knowledge using Awstats.


There are plenty of other little things that it will track for it. You can see the top IP addresses viewing your website, or which countries are seeing your site, you also can get in to some keyword search engine things but it doesn’t get very specific like Google Analytics does.

Hope this tutorial on How to use Awstats helped you out and if you have any questions please contact us and we will answer as soon as possible. Thank You!