There are a few different ways you can upload a file or image to your website. We are going to provide you with the easiest way’s of doing that. Without uploading files or images your website would be completely empty.
How To Create A Website Online uses a content management system called WordPress which you might have heard of already. We were able to pretty much install WordPress automatically by using cPanel. (cPanel is a common feature on great hosting companies like BlueHost, we suggest you use it!) cPanel offers everything you need to upload a file or image to your website and also has other amazing features so make sure you do in fact pick a host that uses cPanel.
Uploading With Fantastico
This is by far the most easy and simple way of uploading certain things to your website. This is in fact how we uploaded WordPress to our website. What you need to do is log in to cPanel and find the Fantastico Icon.
Click on “Fantastico” and you will see a huge list of applications that you can install to your website. Now if your looking to upload a specific file or images please skip this step considering Fantastico will only install specific types of programs.
We will show you an example of how to install WordPress using Fantastico since it’s most likely a program you will use if you are blogging. Go ahead and click on where it says WordPress and view the image below:
As you can see we have a current installation of WordPress already installed. All you would have to do is hit new installation and it will guide you through the next couple of steps and then your program will be uploaded to your website. We didn’t want to accidentally screw up our current upload just for this tutorial so we won’t be showing you a further example.
That’s pretty much how you install anything with Fantastico. Here is a list of everything offered through Fantastico to date:
- b2evolution
- Nucleus
- WordPress
- Noahs Classifieds
- Drupal
- Geeklog
- Joomla 1.5
- Mambo
- PHP-Nuke
- phpWCMS
- phpWebSite
- Siteframe
- Xoops
- Zikula
- Crafty Syntax Live Help
- Help Center Live
- osTicket
- PerlDesk
- PHP Support Tickets Support Logic Helpdesk
- Support Services Manager
- phpBB
- CubeCart
- OS Commerce
- Zen Cart
- FAQ/MasterFlex
- AccountLab Plus
- phpCOIN
- 4Images Gallery
- Coppermine Photo Gallery
- Gallery
- PHPlist
- Advanced Poll
- Limeurvey
- phpESP
- dotProject
- PHProject
- Soholaunch Pro Edition
- Templates Express
- TikiWiki CMS/Groupware
- PHPWiki
- Dew-NewPHPLinks
- Moodle
- Open-Realty
- OpenX
- PHPauction
- phpFormGenerator
- WebCalendar
Upload a File or Image with File Manager
Uploading a file or image has become easier then ever with tools like “File Manager”. File Manager comes with every single cPanel and it is the basic, yet effective way of uploading your files manually. Even if you use a content management system to upload all your files, you still might need to upload something within the server itself. For example, error pages or favicons.
First you want to find the “File Manager” icon in cPanel:
Now click on file manager and a screen will pop up to direct you to the next step.
Once this screen pops up you have a couple different options you could select. You can access the “Home Directory” , the “Web Root”, “Public FTP Root” and the “Document Root” which is what we have selected. In the document root radio button you will see a drop down menu. This menu should have your website listed directly under it. As you can see, How To Create a Website Online . com is listed below document root. We suggest you keep “Show Hidden Files” unchecked unless you are an advanced cPanel File Manager User, and also leave “Skip the Question” unchecked so this way you can always select which route you want to take to upload your files or images.
Please click on “Go” and then you will see this screen
Once you get to this screen you will see the image above on the very top of your file manager application. Click on “Upload” and another page will open and it looks like this:
Once you see the screen above, just hit “Browse…” and select which ever file or image you want to upload. Leave all the settings the way they are and you should have no problem uploading! Once you upload it will appear on the previous page and you can see it in your directory now.
This is by far the easiest way to upload file or images but their is other options still. Play around with your cPanel to see which way works best for you. If you have any questions about uploading please contact us and we will be glad to help you out!